Sunday, November 28, 2010

I'm an Etsy Artisan!

Guys, I did it. I finally took the step leap and opened my very own Etsy shop! I am so excited. You can visit it here. Please feel free to browse, and of course buy something!

Oh, and make sure to favorite it, like this nice gal!

1 comment:

Nikki Bogopolskaya said...

Kelley! I have been meaning to comment here for a while and this post does it. I LOVE your Etsy shop, the Brooklyn brownstones pic looks just like my block at home and I think I may purchase it for my DC apartment.

Hope you are well--Kaitlyn and I have been reading your blog for years now and may I just say, can't believe you are dating a Zoomer!

(I am in DC for a while now too, hope your sister is enjoying it here).