Monday, April 6, 2009

Checking things off the list...

One of my oldest and dearest friends finally was able to make it to New York this past weekend. Our weekend was primarily spent shopping and spending money that I totally should not of spent. Oh well, I only live once and I am going to look good while I do it! They treated me to Wicked which was so awesome! I get to check that one off the list now. :)

Friend and I in Times Square on our way to the longest dinner of our lives - we were there for 3 1/2 hours! We went to Becco (finally!) and it was absolutely delicious. Goat cheese and radish ravioli were simply marvelous. 

When in New York... if she only knew the bar Wu was going to take us to she wouldn't be smiling. Rock and Roll Whore in rhinestones, midget porn, and handing condoms to you as you go to the bathroom. We lasted there about 1.5 minutes. 

We took advantage of the absolutely gorgeous NY Spring weather and walked the Brooklyn Bridge. 

I love the Brooklyn Promenade, and her. 

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